Optimization for two Stifnesses in X and in Y for one component

Hallo Guys,
i have strated using Optistruct newly (4 Months). may Problem is as following.
i have a component which should not brake at 2 different load one in X direction and in Y direction. for x_direction i should reach a load of 20 KN without fracture, for Y-direction i should reach 15 kN without Fracture.
This optimization Problem Need to be solved once with Respekt to the 2 variables.
for one variable i can solve it, however for two variables i could not be able doing it.
any help is appreciated!!
Create two load collector(one for Fx=20KN n Fy=15KN) & two loadstep and solve it.
Rahul R
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Hallo Mr. Rahul
Thank you very much, i didnt thought it is simple as this!!
Best Regards from Germany