Lump Mass in Radioss

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


I want to create a Lump Mass of a stack of Iron Ore over an area (the stack is in the form of a cone).

Thought of creating that stack with SPH elements. Is it right approach to this problem?

If Yes, what should be the PROP of the SPH (such as: qa, qb, order etc.) and what should be the MAT (Material law and respective parameters)

If No, what other alternative available for this.


Thanking You.






  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2017

    Hi Pritam,

    You can model the particles with SPH, it seems fine.

    qa and qb are quadratic and linear bulk viscosity parameters. These parameters are introduced to prevent elements from collapsing under extremely high velocity gradients. In short, higher the qa, qb  values the more will be the viscous behavior. Please go through which shows a case based on qa and qb values. Normally the user should have all the material and property values. If you don't have I recommend you to leave as default and run the analysis and based on the results we can change the values for better results.

    Please go through the Help Menu for the material compatibility for SPH and appropriately choose the material law for iron.