Analysis without quality check

how can I start an Analysis without quality check?
tanks and best regards
control card:param:checkel:no
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Can you share .out file of the run to take a quick look?
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Sometimes if element quantity is worst like if adjacent esges habe 180 or more angle, area tends to zero (for 2d element), volume tends to zero (for 3d element) etc.
Then even u didn't go for check element quantity, ur solver shows element quantity check error.
To solve such issues find failure element, analyse them for such conditions and correct them.
This happened when ur model has to much diversity and automesh option is used.
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Altair Forum User said:
Can you share .out file of the run to take a quick look?
i have no .out file
Altair Forum User said:Sometimes if element quantity is worst like if adjacent esges habe 180 or more angle, area tends to zero (for 2d element), volume tends to zero (for 3d element) etc.
Then even u didn't go for check element quantity, ur solver shows element quantity check error.
To solve such issues find failure element, analyse them for such conditions and correct them.
This happened when ur model has to much diversity and automesh option is used.
how can i find those elements?
Are these the yellow or the red ones?0 -
Press f10 in keybord that is quality check panel. Save the failure elements. Hope u know about quality check panel. If don't plz let me know ill share some screen shot.
If u can share ur file plz share.