Rope Design

Can anyone help me in the design of a Rope in Radioss?
Simple Rope needs to be designed with one end fixed and the other end a velocity is given only for 1ms and then later zero?
I had queries in regards to
1) How to Design the rope?
2) I applied velocity using 'BC's manager' but how can I define it needs to be stopped after 1 ms?
3) Also if a point Mass need to be kept on the node how do we do it ?
Thanking you,
yours sincerely,
Kartik Kanugo
Hi Kartik,
For modelling wire/rope elements you can use beam or spring elements. Try with imposed displacement where user needs to create a function accordingly.
You can apply mass through ADMAS option in 1D panel.
There are several examples and tutorials on imposed loadings in the Help Menu and I recommend you to go through.