What to do after obtaining results of topology optimization

I have to remodel topology optimized results. How can I obtain or choose the right 1 correct density value or iteration which I will use for remodeling. For example in some iteration is unnecessarily too much of material and in some iteration there is too less material. How to choose ideal variant.
Examples in pictures. (First too much, second too less)
Thank you very much
Hi @soukupfilip
It depends on visual judgement and results.
Look for an iteration which is feasible for manufacturing and look at the structural results.
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi @soukupfilip
It depends on visual judgement and results.
Look for an iteration which is feasible for manufacturing and look at the structural results.
Thank you.
Is there any choice to obtain only one ideal result. I have conditions that two nodes can be displaced only for 0,5 mm. But the results dont stop at that this condition.Do you understand?
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Like why does the optimization goes till the absolute empty place.
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Could I send you a model?
I have to put some wrong parameters there.
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Did you try setting MINDIM and DISCRETE?
(panel Analysis>optimization>opti control)