Composite mechanical properties

I was trying to introduce the mechanical properties for a composite component made of CFRP (Composite Fibre Reinforced Polymer). As I'm a beginner, I'm following the book Practical Aspects of Finite Element Simulation by Altair University. In there, I've found mechanical properties for many other materials, as I show in the image, but I can't find some general properties to define CFRP. Moreover, as it is an orthotropic material, I've learnt from the tutorials that I need to specify more data.
Can anyone help me to find the general properties I need in the picture for MAT8 in order to define CFRP material? If possible, I'd like to see the reference for checking it up.
Thanks in advance,
Hello Julio
Apart from the e-book 'Practical Aspects of Finite Element Simulation' please refer the composite e-book also which specializes on composite modelling
Also refer composite tutorials from online help