Von Mises Strain in Tendon

Hi George,
When I plot the Von Mises strain for a spring (/ANIM/SPRING/VONM) in a very simple setup (only two nodes connected with a spring and a fixed bc on one side an imposed disp. on the other side) I get zero Von Mises strain. Why is that? And is there an option to plot strain in different directions (e.g. EPSX, EPSY) analogue to SIGX, SIGY, ....
Thanks, Best
We can't extract stress/strain results for spring elements. For extracting these a geometry is required, as an example stress is force/area, and since no geometry is there for spring elements it's not possible. Forces do exist for spring elements which you can extract using the time history (/TH/SPRING) file.
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Hi George,
Hmm.. a 1D element has also strain (dL/L0) and von Mises strain should then be 2/3 * ( 3/2 * strain^2 )^(1/2), right? But there is no way to directly plot the strain of a tendon. I have to export the displacement, measure the L0 length and compute it myself?
Thanks, Best
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Unfortunately there is no direct way to output strain results for spring elements. You may have to manually calculate this.
From the /TH/SPRING you can get the elongation of each spring element in required direction.