How to model pretension of a rod in a hole (contact with pre-penetration)?
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
I am examining a construction that consists of multiple parts that are tilt-mounted and some of these parts are pre-stressed (see screenshot of the geometry). Now I am trying to model the real situation but it didn't really work yet. Here is what I have tried so far:
- Boundary conditions: The rotation around the axes of the holes in which are no rods is allowed and the other dofs are blocked. Not exactly statically determined but it should be enough for a first test.
- First model: Contacts defined as mentioned in the attached screenshot. The two parts should rotate a little until there is no more penetration between the rod and the hole. Instead the stress is rising up to 8.269 MPa. The real construction has additional components to support these two parts. This causes the pretension. I didn't model that yet so I can check if the contact with pre-penetration delivers realistic results which it obviously doesn't.
- Second model: Because of the pre-penetration in the .out-file it was recommended to set GAPCMPL to NO on the GAPPRM card. I did that but the results were exactly the same.
- Third model: I defined a PCONT property with CLEARENCE set to '-1.5' but the maximum stress in that case was 59.364 MPa.
Is it possible to somehow simulate the desired behaviour with a 'linear static' or a 'non-linear quasi-static' simulation?
Best regards
I just changed the master and the slave (MSID --> SSID; SSID --> MSID) and all of a sudden it works perfectly. The maximum stress is 0.12 MPa. Is there an explanation for that? All parts are meshed with 2 mm (hexahedrons, solid map mesh) and node-to-surface contacts are used (default).