Radioss queing using TCL
I have created a simulation file in TCL script. If i use loops in the file and wish to create a queing sequence of Radioss. How should the queing be done in TCL.
Generally, In 2017 full version i can run Radioss from desktop and just go on running the .rad files individually it is queued automatically. But how should i do it with a TCL script in hypermesh.
yours sincerely,
kartik kanugo
You can write a simple proc to be embedded in your tcl script, like this
proc ::p_RunRadiossFiles FileList { set Home [hm_info -appinfo ALTAIR_HOME] set RadiossCmd [glob [file join $Home hwsolvers common tcl tcl* win?? bin tclsh*rd.exe]] set HwSolverTcl [glob [file join $Home hwsolvers scripts hwsolver.tcl]] dict set ::p_RunRadiossFiles -queued [llength $FileList] foreach InputFile $FileList { if {[file exists $InputFile]} { set InputFile [file normalize $InputFile] set PipedCmd [list $RadiossCmd $HwSolverTcl $InputFile -screen -dir -solver RD] puts '[clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y/%m/%d-%H:%M] RUNNING FILE: $InputFile' puts '([expr [dict get $::p_RunRadiossFiles -queued]-1] file(s) queued)' set Pipe [open '| $PipedCmd'] fconfigure $Pipe -blocking 0 -encoding utf-8 fileevent $Pipe readable '::p_Output $Pipe $InputFile' tkwait variable ::p_RunRadiossFiles } } } proc ::p_Output {Pipe InputFile} { if {[eof $Pipe]} { catch {close $Pipe} puts '[clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y/%m/%d-%H:%M] FINISHED FILE: $InputFile' dict incr ::p_RunRadiossFiles -queued -1 return } else { if {[gets $Pipe Line]>0} { puts \t$Line } } }
suppose you have a filelist of radioss files to be run: file1_D00 file2_D00 file3_D00
invoke p_RunRadiossFiles $filelist
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Hello @tinh
Could you tell me if we need to have separate Radioss Engine file. Because I am running the student version of Hypermesh V120 Radioss.Also In the above code I need to run the code in Hypermesh Run or anywhere else?yours sincerely,kartik0 -
I tested it with v2017
If you run from tcl wish, set Home by hw install folder
I will check with v12 later
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for v12 please change 'tclsh*rd.exe' to 'tclsh*.exe'
and if you want to run it from tcl (not hypermesh), home should be
set Home 'C:/Program Files/Altair/12.0'; #or something else depends on your installation