Just a quick question: I want to combine an average load and an amplitude load for a fatigue analysis. Should I combine the two within the FATEVNT load collector (I think it is the right one) or should I combine the two within FATSEQ (I think it is more for repetition of loads) ? Could you help me with that ?
Also a side question: Is there a way to see the displacement results within Hyperview on an iso-density view of my piece in order to view the displacements on the result of my topology optimization ?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Altair Forum User said:
Just a quick question: I want to combine an average load and an amplitude load for a fatigue analysis. Should I combine the two within the FATEVNT load collector (I think it is the right one) or should I combine the two within FATSEQ (I think it is more for repetition of loads) ? Could you help me with that ?
Please use FATEVNT. FATSEQ will sequence the loads.
Altair Forum User said:Also a side question: Is there a way to see the displacement results within Hyperview on an iso-density view of my piece in order to view the displacements on the result of my topology optimization ?
I am checking this with experts. I will let you know soon.