integrated boundary condition

Hello experts,
Normally, we usually use 'simple boundary condition' such as inflow, outflow, wall to assign for the surfaces on our model.
When we want to impose some thing more advance, we will use 'nodal boundary condition' or 'element boundary condition'.
I have read in AcuSolve help that 'simple BC' will be converted into 'nodal BC' and 'element BC' in by acuprep.
However, i found another kind of BC named 'integrated BC' in AcuConsole. What is this exactly?
Is there any relationship between 'integrated BC ' and 3 others?
When should we use this type?
Thank you!
One example of using this integrated BC is when there is an outlet (say P=0) and at the same time you wish to define the mass flow at this particular outlet. So you can a mix of BCs at the same surface: :
- Simple BC, Pr= 0.
- Intg. BC, mass flux=...