Periodic cylinder filled up metamaterial

Dear All,
I have an issue concerning the use of “Double NeGative” (DNG) metamaterials. The issue regards the electromagnetic scattering of plane waves from DNG metamaterial cylinders
I firstly considered an indefinite (along the z axis), homogeneous cylinder having radius = 4lambda in the case of normally incident plane wave with TM polarization at f = 300MHz (see Fig. 1 in attached files). The cylinder is filled up with a DNG metamaterial having eps_r= -2.2, while mu_r<0 changes from case to case. An indefinite cylinder has been obtained with periodic boundary conditions.
The result from FEKO is compared with a cylindrical wave expansion (see “Normal Incidence Plane Wave Scattering by Conducting Circular Cylinder: TMzPolarization” – Advanced Engineering Electromagnetic, Constantine A. Balanis).
FEKO and the cylindrical wave expansion agree for mu_r =-1 (see Fig. 2) and for mu_r = -1.2 (see Fig. 3), while they disagree for mu_r= -1.3 and mu_r = -1.5 (see Fig. 4 and Fig. 5).
Please, find attached the related .cfx file and relative figures.
Thank you very much for any help.
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Hi Zerk
We can't find anything wrong with your model.
Regarding the far fields, Feko gives the spherical far field, while you might be comparing with a cylindrial far field which is dependent on 1/sqrt(r)
Perhaps a better idea would be to compare the near fields a sufficient distance away from the structure.