Optistruct Lattice Error

Hi everyone,
We are currently experemementing lattice optimization on a cubic (just a try in order to experiment more difficult pieces after). We created the model on Hypermesh, selecting lattice optimization. But , in Optistruct, when we open the ..._lattice.fem, we have the following error :
in file 'dsetio_inc.h', at location #132.
Please note that we already tried to open the results of the topological optimization using directly Optistruc and Hyperview from Hypermesh. We had good results regarding the modelisation we have done.
Thank's for your help !
Hi @Lagolito
You are trying to run _lattice.fem in OptiStruct and you get this error correct?
Can you share the entire .out file, please?
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Yes in run the _lattice.fem using Optistruct and I get this error .
Yes , i upload the .out file associated to the _lattice.fem.
Thank's a lot;
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Can you update to latest patch and check if that helps?
I see a similar issue was resolved when updated to 2017.2.2