What does it mean by model is fully linear?

I am solving a problem where I am designing a metamaterial using topology optimization (in Optistruct) to mimic the deformation behavior of a traditional elastomer. For this, there are three prescribed loading cases under which the metamaterial must undergo a given value of deformation; for example, for 20000N load, the deformation should be 5mm. I have three load steps for the three loading cases. I am using non-linear quasi static analysis. However, when I generate the result, the .out file says the model is fully linear. What does it mean by 'model is fully linear' ? Attached is the .out file.
What are the sources of nonlinearity you have in your model? If possible, please share the .out file of the run.
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I am using a linear material but I want to induce geometrical non-linearity using topology optimization. I want the solution (i.e. the diplacement curve) to be non-linear.
Please find attached the .out file.