How do I take input from the user about the type of element?
The simple way is asking user to choice one element and you get element type from this selected element.
So user has selected element type indirectly, via element.
*createmarkpanel elems 1 'Select Element' set eList [hm_getmark elems 1] hm_markclear elems 1 set eid [lindex $eList 0] # we work only with the 1st element set typename [hm_getvalue elems id=$eid dataname=typename] puts 'Element type= $typename' # Do something with selected typename
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You can have also the user to type a string with the element type name:
set user_choice [hm_getstring 'buttom name' 'some string']
Then do something.
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Altair Forum User said:
The simple way is asking user to choice one element and you get element type from this selected element.
So user has selected element type indirectly, via element.
*createmarkpanel elems 1 'Select Element' set eList [hm_getmark elems 1] hm_markclear elems 1 set eid [lindex $eList 0] # we work only with the 1st element set typename [hm_getvalue elems id=$eid dataname=typename] puts 'Element type= $typename' # Do something with selected typename
thank you so much(thank you for your other answers in other threads as well)! I have another doubt, if i select multiple elements from the panel, in what order are they stored in the list.
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Altair Forum User said:
You can have also the user to type a string with the element type name:
set user_choice [hm_getstring 'buttom name' 'some string']
Then do something.
Thank you!!
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Altair Forum User said:
You can have also the user to type a string with the element type name:
set user_choice [hm_getstring 'buttom name' 'some string']
Then do something.
When you get information from user, you have always some risk of wrong data. In this case, the risk is so high. Instead of enter 'quad4', user can entrer 'qua4'?
The best way is to get all valid type name in Hypermesh and build a GUI script with this list of type name. User is asked just to select an item of list.
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utilize hwtk 'selectlist' to build a GUI
proc ::selectConfigs args { lassign $args btn sl if {$btn in {ok cancel}} { set listConfigs {} if {$btn == 'ok'} { foreach row [$sl selectionget] { lappend listConfigs [dict get [$sl rowcget $row -values] config] } append listConfigs ' ' } [winfo toplevel $sl] unpost set ::selectConfigs $listConfigs } else { set w .selConfigs destroy $w hwtk::dialog $w wm title $w 'Select Configs' #wm protocol $w ... => already set by hwtk set f [$w recess] set sl [hwtk::selectlist $ -stripes 1 -selectmode multiple] pack $sl -fill both -expand 1 $w hide apply $w buttonconfigure ok -command [list ::selectConfigs ok $sl] $w buttonconfigure cancel -command [list ::selectConfigs cancel $sl] $sl columnadd config -text Configs: foreach config $args { $sl rowadd row[incr i] -values [list config $config] } $w post set ::selectConfigs {} tkwait variable ::selectConfigs return $::selectConfigs } } #example: set MySelectedConfigs [selectConfigs rbe3 rigid rigidlink weld rod spring] puts 'Selected configs = $MySelectedConfigs'