Monarch 10.5 Silent Un-Install

We need to silently uninstall Monarch Version 10.5 and I have tried multiple techniques and cannot get the process to just uninstall without asking any questions to the user. First produced an UNINSTALL.ISS file by issuing:
\\SharePath\Setup.EXE -x -r -f1"C:\Path\Uninstall.iss"
…and then completed the software removal manually. Then, with the resulting UNINSTALL.ISS file I have attempted several command variations like
\\SharePath\Setup.EXE -s -f1”C:\Path\Uninstall.iss”
…which runs silently for a couple of seconds, but it does not uninstall the product, and
\\SharePath\Setup.EXE -uninst -f1”C:\Path\Uninstall.iss”
…will display a dialog box saying “Monarch: This will remove Monarch from your computer. Do you wish to proceed?” along with “Yes” and “No” buttons.
The registry uninstall string is specified as:
RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\engine\6\INTEL3~1\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{E9C9D002-B71B-452B-B495-3744BBA7AF48}\Setup.exe" -l0x9
And this just invokes the manual uninstallation process. Can you please provide the command including the appropriate switches to uninstall Monarch 10.5 with no user intervention? It will be greatly appreciated!
I was able to get it to work!!! First, I created the ISS recording file just as I mentioned above, using the command:
\\SharePath\Setup.EXE /x /r /f1"C:\Path\Uninstall.iss"
Then I used the command:
\\SharePath\Setup.EXE /s /f1"C:\Path\Uninstall.iss" /f2"C:\Path\Uninstall.Log"
And it uninstalled the software silently just as it is supposed to. Evidently the /f2 parameter is needed to complete the operation successfully. I am very happy I got this to work! I hope it will be useful for other Administrators in similar circumstances!