Firing external power shell script when alert is triggered with some parameters as arguements

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited December 2017 in Community Q&A

Hi Team,


In Data Pump, when an Alert is trigger, I heard that there are only three actions available: Email, RSS, and Log. In our client requirement  we need to fire a external PowerShell script with some parameters as arguments(like failed scheduled job name as argument). Can any one please let me know is there any option to fire the external PowerShell script when alert is triggered.


It is more helpful for us if any one shares the API for getting the alert data from Data pump.


Thanks and Regards

Siva Mullapudi.



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2017


    When the standard process fails an alert will be generated (assuming you configured an alert), but the process also executes any scripts in the post-process script.

    I suggest you create a zero byte size file in the post-export script (or create another export) which is an indication of the process completed successfully.  Then in the post-process script you can check for this file, and if it does not exist, you know the process failed, then invoke your power shell script.  Instead of creating a zero byte size file you may also check for the exported file, assuming the file is created every time you run the process.

