Licensing in Linux Suse

I have difficulties installing license in Linux.
amin@PC:/HW/altair/scripts> ./hm
amin@PC:/HW/altair/scripts> Altair HyperMesh v9.0b121
Copyright ©1990-2008 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not
imply publication. Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly
Graphics: OpenGL
Altair License Manager: License error
Cannot connect to license server system.
The license server manager (lmgrd) has not been started yet,
the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the
port or hostname in the license file has been changed.
Feature: GlobalGridWorksEU
Server name: PC
License path: /HW/altair/security/altair_lic.dat
FLEXnet Licensing error:-15,570. System Error: 115 'Operation now in progress'
Can anyone help me?
I'm assuming you have installed FlexNet, the license manager software. This should be part of HyperWorks install for Linux. The license manager daemon, lmgrd and the vendor daemon, altair_lm are the two components which form the license server. lmgrd maintains the vendor daemons listed in the license file, handles the initial contact of the applications, and redirects the applications to the appropriate vendor daemons.
On Unix/Linux, from <altair_home>/scripts,
1. Open the license file in a text editor. Replace the hostname on the Server line(s) with the hostname/IP address of the license server(s). Save the license file as <altair_home>/security/altair_lic.dat.
2. Execute the following at the Unix command prompt: <altair_home>/scripts/lmgrd.
Nothing is returned from this command. The lmgrd script starts both the license daemon
(lmgrd) and the vendor daemon (altair_lm) processes.
Determining if the licenser server is up on Unix/Linux,
1. At the command prompt, execute the following command:
If the license server is up, you should see an output that says, 'License Server UP'.
Also make sure the server machine is turned on.
I see that you are trying to install HW9.0.
A valid 9.0 license is required and will not work with 8.0 license.
A compatabile license can be requested that works with 8.0 and 9.0 as well.
If you still have issues i would strongly recommend you to contact Altair's technical support at 248-614-2425 or email