License problem

Dear all I have just installed HyperWorks but I have a license problem.
Can annyone help me to solve the problem?
I have attached the image.
You need a valid license file from Altair to use the software, you need to place this file in the security folder within the student edition installation folder, also the license file must be renamed to altair_lic.dat, please let me know if you have already done this.
The license file can be downloaded from the Altair online store, student edition downloads section. Same place you found the student edition executable.
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Hi I have just installed HyperWorks but I have a license problem.
Can annyone help me to solve the problem?I already download and put the file in the correct place with the correct name but I am still having trouble to open the file. When I try to open shows up error #9
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Hi IagoTPruano
Please make sure you have a license generated for Version 13.0. If you are using version 12.0 license it will not work for HyperWorks Student Edition 13.0.
If you have HyperWorks 13.0 Student Edition license, Please check your computer’s Ethernet address, by using the almutil -hostid application from the Start > Altair > Tools > Admin tools Menu
The listed Host ID should be used to generate the license file.
You can also find it by running ipconfig/all in command window and check for physical address under Ethernet adapter local area connection.
Alternatively run getmac in command window to find out available Ethernet addresses
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The license file you are using seems to have been generated for the wrong ethernet address,
When you open the license file in a text editor you will see a version line , make sure it says 13.0
Next you need to confirm if the Ethernet address in the license file is the correct one and matches the one in your machine.
Again when you open the license file in a text editor you will see an Ethernet address there in a line that says 'ETHERNET =
The Ethernet ID is the id of your machine which is exactly 12 hexadecimal numbers. For example D4WRF478F398
Please check your computer’s Ethernet address, by using the almutil -hostid application from the Start > Altair > Tools > Admin tools Menu
The listed Host ID should be used to generate the license file.
If the Host Id output by this tool (or by the methods below) is different from the one in the license file, you need to re order for a license file in the Altair store.
You can also find it by running ipconfig/all in command window and check for physical address under Ethernet adapter local area connection:
Alternatively run getmac in command window to find out available Ethernet addresses
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I think that is the problem I couldnot find a 13.0 license version. In the website on Students Edition downloads both licenses are for the 12.0 version, and I need the 13.0 version for my computer, I could not open the 12.0 version for my windows 8.1.
My Ethernet Adress in the license is good I could generate the same number as my Host ID number so I think that is not the problem.
So, how could I get a license for the 13.0 version of Hyperworks?
Thank you
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Hi IagoTPruano
You have to order a new 13.0 Student Edition license. Please go the below website for more details:
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HELLO ! I have just installed HyperWorks v13 from www.altairuniverstity with the licecence. but I still have a license problem.
Can annyone help me to solve the problem?
I had already downloaded and put the file in the correct place with the correct name but I am still having trouble to open the file, I vizualise error 6 when i open it
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check the ethernet address and see if it matches the one in the license file, see the posts above for the procedure