How do I ensure connectivity between lines and lines and solids in feko

tobias_from_edag Altair Community Member

I have created a simple model of 4 connected wires, and replaced one of the wires with a cylinder of the same radius. All the 4 corners have the same coordinates.

Is there a way to find out if the objects are connected by the mesh without starting a simulation and checking the currents?

Is there a way to find at which position the break in connectivity occurs?

Is there a way to ensure connectivity between 2 lines or a line and a solid?


Best Answer

  • Torben Voigt
    Torben Voigt
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi Tobias,

    I hadn't even noticed that, thanks for pointing it out! This is probably a problem in the visualization. In any case, the mesh looks correct:


  • Zeina
    Altair Employee

    To ensure mesh continuity on touching geometries, you should union the given elements: Select them all, then Apply > Union.

  • tobias_from_edag
    tobias_from_edag Altair Community Member

    Applying an Union to the geometries did not ensure continuity. The objects are still disconnected.

    Is there a way to find out if the objects are connected by the mesh without starting a simulation and checking the currents?

    Is there a way to find at which position the break in connectivity occurs?

    Is there a way to ensure connectivity between 2 lines or a line and a solid?

  • Zeina
    Altair Employee

    Union-ing is the way to combine multiple geometry parts into a single part and to ensure mesh connectivity once the geometry is meshed.

    Is there a way to find out if the objects are connected by the mesh without starting a simulation and checking the currents?

    → yes: On the 3D View context tab, on the Display Options tab, in the Style group, click the
    Connectivity icon. Faces with unbound edges will show in red.

    I will have a look at your model.

  • Torben Voigt
    Torben Voigt
    Altair Employee

    HI Tobias,

    As Zeina has already said, you have to connect parts via "Union" so that they are meshed as one. Of course, they must actually touch each other. "Connectivity" will display open edges and open ends of lines in red:

    After Union:

    Best regards,

  • tobias_from_edag
    tobias_from_edag Altair Community Member


    After applying the Union I still see this part marked red when I activate Connectivity display. Does this indicate a lack of connection?

  • Torben Voigt
    Torben Voigt
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi Tobias,

    I hadn't even noticed that, thanks for pointing it out! This is probably a problem in the visualization. In any case, the mesh looks correct: