STL cleanup in Hypermesh

I started by generating 2d surface mesh in Simlab 2022.2. When importing the resulting .stl file into HyperMesh, I noticed strange green lines and large nodes randomly located on the geometry. Please see attached screen shot. What do these items represent and how do I resolve or remove these items? Is stl the only format to translate from Simlab to Hypermesh? Can someone please advise? Thanks in advance, Jason
Hello @jmoth79,
how familiar are you with HyperMesh?
These green lines are toplogy lines and are shared edges (meaning an edge connecting two surfaces together). They should not be visible by default if you use automatic coloring mode unless you use geometry edition tools (split, stitch, ..):
The points you see are geometry points, they can be turned off with the option below:
Hope that helps,
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Not very familiar unfortunately - I've been tasked with learning on my own.
However, your tips resolved my issues. Thank you so much for the help!!
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hello @jmoth79 ,
we proposed a full e-learning to learn HyperMesh:
It is splitted in several modules, you can floow each of them at your own pace.
I'd recommend you to attend the modules related to CAD and mesh in order to ramp up more efficiently