Hyperworks 2017 Installation

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

I had applied for a Hyperworks Student Edition License 2014 last year and I got it.
Hyperworks 2014 has started working slowly and I'm able to work it up.
I want to upgrade to 2017 so I want a license file for 2017.
I went to Altair Store and it says that I already have a annual license but it doesn't mention of which edition,
The license file says it's 2014 edition so I want to know that if I apply again, Will the license file be generated for 2017 Edition Hyperworks ?
If it's not so, then how should I apply for a license ?
Please help me as I'm getting late for my AOC 2017 submision.
If you request for a license again, the license will be generated for the 2017 version