About suspensions in Motionview/solve

Pantelis_Myrio Altair Community Member

I want to analyze the behavior of macpherson suspension during different drivefiles. I have imported a car with altair driver from vehicle tools-assembly and also i have imported a driverfile from entity browser selecting the adf file i created. I now want to check the values of for example track width, camber angle etc. I saw that when doing simulation for the frnt half of the car you can access these outputs instantly is you run the task for Kinetics. How can I get these ouputs for the Drivefile that i have inserted?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • GTT Adam
    GTT Adam
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Pantelis_Myrio,

    Standard metrics such as track width and camber angle are extracted from the KnC event. After completing the event, a SDF report is created which can be easily displayed when creating a Standard Report.

    The SDF report is only available for the KnC event. All standard events have a report which can be created, but those values you listed will be specific to the KnC event.

    However, it is very easy to create your own Outputs as needed. Track width is simply the displacement between the left and right wheel centers, so you can define that as the following:

    Camber angle can be done similarly by tracking the displacement of the wheel body, as this will record the translational and rotational displacements relative to either the ground or the vehicle body (shown):

    If you are just getting into MotionView, Altair offers an introductory course, MotionView/MotionSolve Introduction eLearning, for solving multi-body dynamics (MBD) problems using HyperWorks and illustrates constructing, solving and post-processing MBD problems. This course focuses on general Multibody mechanisms and is a starting point for learning modeling in MotionSolve.
    You can find it at the following link:


    Altair also offers a specialized multi-body dynamics (MBD) course for vehicle modeling, called MotionSolve for Vehicle Modeling eLearning. This class introduces the application of MotionSolve for vehicle modeling applications, such as assembly of half or full car models, vehicle event creation, generating event reports, modifying vehicle subsystems, and preliminary verification methods.
    You can find it at the following link:


    Hope this helps!

    Adam Reid


  • GTT Adam
    GTT Adam
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Pantelis_Myrio,

    Standard metrics such as track width and camber angle are extracted from the KnC event. After completing the event, a SDF report is created which can be easily displayed when creating a Standard Report.

    The SDF report is only available for the KnC event. All standard events have a report which can be created, but those values you listed will be specific to the KnC event.

    However, it is very easy to create your own Outputs as needed. Track width is simply the displacement between the left and right wheel centers, so you can define that as the following:

    Camber angle can be done similarly by tracking the displacement of the wheel body, as this will record the translational and rotational displacements relative to either the ground or the vehicle body (shown):

    If you are just getting into MotionView, Altair offers an introductory course, MotionView/MotionSolve Introduction eLearning, for solving multi-body dynamics (MBD) problems using HyperWorks and illustrates constructing, solving and post-processing MBD problems. This course focuses on general Multibody mechanisms and is a starting point for learning modeling in MotionSolve.
    You can find it at the following link:


    Altair also offers a specialized multi-body dynamics (MBD) course for vehicle modeling, called MotionSolve for Vehicle Modeling eLearning. This class introduces the application of MotionSolve for vehicle modeling applications, such as assembly of half or full car models, vehicle event creation, generating event reports, modifying vehicle subsystems, and preliminary verification methods.
    You can find it at the following link:


    Hope this helps!

    Adam Reid