Clarification about SimSolid and Optimization

So, an interesting issue came across my desk today, that I felt was important enough to clarify with a post here in the Community.
It was recently brought to my attention that there was a misconception about Topological Optimization within Inspire and the use of the SimSolid solver.
Someone recently set the Analysis Solver to SimSolid and then proceeded to run an Optimization and mistakenly assumed it was SimSolid doing the optimization work.
This is not the case. Optimizations performed with Inspire are always run using the OptiStruct Solver. In fact you will note that the naming of the option Analysis Solver and the hover help that appears in conjunction with it confirm that this setting applies to ANALYSIS only.
So I hope this clears up any confusion on the topic and go ahead and use that AMAZING SimSolid solver in Inspire to get accurate results, wicked fast. SimSolid already has a lot going for it, we can let OptiStruct take credit, rightfully, for the optimization work it does😉.