Spalling reduction factor calculation and effective shear depth in shear wall

ArashR Altair Community Member

Hello, I have S-Concrete V.2024 in Canada. Therefore we are working with Canadian code, CSA A23.3. I have two observation that really affect the calculation for shear walls and now I am gonna share it hear to have my answer.

1-About dv, effective shear depth, I am wondering why in S-Concrete this factor would be design always with lower allowable factor saying 0.8Lw and it is not considering 0.9d or 0.72h.

2-About spalling factor, as per commentary in code, if we have flange at two extremity of a shear wall, we can ignore that reduction factor. as S-concrete has the option modeling I or C section, I am wondering why the spalling factor would not update in terms of magnitude or would not be eliminated.




  • Tayen_Aguilar_57
    Altair Employee

    Hello Arash, thank you for your contribution.

    In order to take a closer look and give you a better answer, we would benefit from having your S-CONCRETE file (.sco).

    Could you please open a Support ticket by submitting the form at the following link:

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    Please attach any relevant files so we can give you an appropriate answer,

    Best regards,

    Tayen Aguilar

    Altair Support