Is there an antenna model library from CompoMan in FEKO?

DanKim Altair Community Member

I am looking for a library suite of different types of antennas (helical, patch, dish, etc.). Does one exit that I can grab? Does it come with FEKO



  • Hakan_20716
    Hakan_20716 Altair Community Member

    “Component Library” is included in CADFEKO. You can use it without an additional license.

  • Zeina
    Altair Employee
    edited January 23

    Hi @DanKim ,

    Yes, Feko has a component library that comes with the installation. It is accessible in CADFEKO from the GUI. You can search for any antenna type and import it directly in your model.

    CompoMan, on another hand, is a WinProp tool, that allows you to create and store component information. But it is different in the sense that you do not have a geometric model of your antenna, like the Feko Component Library.

    Best Regards,
