Licensing error while executing hmbatch.exe from windows command prompt

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited November 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello, I have a problem with running a tclscript via hmbatch.exe in the windows command prompt.


I am currently trying to combine the optistruct topology optimization with an external evolutionary algorithm for my master thesis, therefore i want to run the tclscript without accessing the gui of hypermesh. While the tclscript runs perfectly fine when I run it from within Hyperworks, if I try to test the same script via the command prompt I get a licensing error (Error Code: 9) as well as multiple import template failures.


I searched Google and the AU forums for the error code but I couldn't find a thread that was applicable to my problem. The Error Code only seems to occur when Hyperworks wasn't installed correctly or when the License wasn't correct ( e.g. Updating to a newer Version of Hyperworks without updating the License). I checked the altair_lic.dat in the altair install directory and it corresponds correctly to my ethernet adress, so that can't be an issue especially since Hyperworks itself starts without problems. Is it possible that the problem might be that the Studentversion doesn't allow the use of the hmbatch.exe?


I am using the Studentversion of Hyperworks 14 on my ASUS Laptop (OS: Win8.1). A textfile with the full prompt input and error output and the software specs is attached.

Also the same errors occured while using hmopengl.exe


Thanks for taking the time to read.

Unable to find an attachment - read this blog


  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2017

    The student edition does not allow command line solving, solvers are interfaced through the app alone.