How can I connect my AI studio to My AI Hub ?

adjaoudi Altair Community Member

I just deployed the server rapidminer AI Hub and i found some isseu to connect to my project crated in AI Hub

from AI studio if someone can help me



  • RolandJones
    Altair Employee

    Hi @adjaoudi

    Are you able to login to that AI Hub through the web browser? If so, could you try clicking on the "Open in Studio" button when on the overview tab of your project? This should then automatically configure this dialog correctly.



  • adjaoudi
    adjaoudi Altair Community Member

    yes of course I login easily in my AI Hub and try to open in studio but still receive the error " can note connect with the given AI Hub with URL

  • RolandJones
    Altair Employee

    Do you have a proxy set? Could I also check the frontend is correct, given it appears to be a raw IP address?



  • adjaoudi
    adjaoudi Altair Community Member

    I don' have a proxy, the front-end has the same addr IP like that

  • RolandJones
    Altair Employee

    Could you please share your AI-Studio.log file to see if this gives more information as to the cause?



  • adjaoudi
    adjaoudi Altair Community Member

    Where I can find the log file in I studio I am new to use this software

  • adjaoudi
    adjaoudi Altair Community Member

    may be this that is a problem, I just foud the log file License server using TCP IPv4 port 6200.
    [2024-12-11 00:14:45] License server using TCP IPv6 port 6200.
    [2024-12-11 00:14:45] License server using UDP IPv4 port 6200.
    [2024-12-11 00:14:53] WARNING: Windows firewall blocks TCP port 6200.
    [2024-12-11 00:14:53] WARNING: Communication to license server might not work properly.
    [2024-12-11 00:14:53] WARNING: Windows firewall blocks UDP port 6200.
    [2024-12-11 00:14:53] WARNING: Automatic server discovery might not work properly.
    [2024-12-11 00:14:53] Reading licenses...

  • adjaoudi
    adjaoudi Altair Community Member

    but now i have this error [2025-01-15 03:49:16] Starting up Altair License Server Library version 2025.0 built on Oct 2 2024 at 14:16:17
    [2025-01-15 03:49:16] ALUS_PROCESSING_DIRECTORY=C:\Program Files\Altair\licensing2025.0/data/processing
    [2025-01-15 03:49:16] ALUS_PENDING_DIRECTORY=C:\Program Files\Altair\licensing2025.0/data/pending
    [2025-01-15 03:49:16] ALUS_DETAILED_DIRECTORY=C:\Program Files\Altair\licensing2025.0/data/detailed
    [2025-01-15 03:49:16] ALUS_DECAY_DIRECTORY=C:\Program Files\Altair\licensing2025.0/decay
    [2025-01-15 03:49:16] ALUS_SCRATCH_DIRECTORY=C:\Program Files\Altair\licensing2025.0/data/scratch
    [2025-01-15 03:49:16] ALUS_URT_LOCATION=C:\Program Files\Altair\licensing2025.0\bin\urt.bat
    [2025-01-15 03:49:16] ALUS_LOG_LEVEL=ANONYMOUS
    [2025-01-15 03:49:16] ALM_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL=1
    [2025-01-15 03:49:16] Ready to serve...
    [2025-01-21 15:12:29] Multiple Checkout request for 3 features.
    [2025-01-21 15:12:29] Multiple Checkout request for 3 features.
    [2025-01-21 15:18:11] Multiple Checkout request for 3 features.
    [2025-01-21 15:18:11] Multiple Checkout request for 3 features.

  • jlebon
    Altair Employee

    Hi, @adjaoudi
    Thks for the discussion. Happy to hear you solved your issue. Can you please sum up your solution and close the ticket.
    Thank you and talk to you soon.

  • adjaoudi
    adjaoudi Altair Community Member

    I have a problem with the connection of AI Studio and AI Hub I could not connect to the projects created on the AI ​​Hub server and the value before of SSO_SSL_REQUIRED=all and when I changed to SSO_SSL_REQUIRED=none

    The problem was solved,

    Thank you everyone who assisted me