please i would like to know the difference between archard wear and archard intermediate data

ardain Altair Community Member

I am a student at Central South University, and I am studying the material removal mechanisms in the barrel finishing process. The first issue I am encountering is that the amount of material removed, using Archard's wear results, is too high. However, the results from Archard's intermediate data seem satisfactory. I would like to understand the difference between the two.
I would also like to know if it is possible to couple Eden with software like Abaqus to calculate residual stresses and the topographical surface of the part. If not, is it possible to couple it with another software for the same purpose?

Thank you.


Best Answer

  • Renan
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi Ardain,

    The Archard Intermediate Data is used only when the Enable Deformation option is turned and only to determine how much to deform the geometry from one timestep to next. To get the geometry deformation throughout the simulation use the Archard Wear property.

    Unfortunately we no longer support the EDEM-Abaqus coupling. You can export particle, geometry and contact forces and positions and import to Abaqus manually, or look at using the Analyst > Export > Hypermesh data export.

    We have examples with EDEM-SimSolid here:


    and EDEM Hypermesh here:


    Or consider the 2-way EDEM-OptiStruct coupling:

    EDEM-OptiStruct YouTube




  • Renan
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi Ardain,

    The Archard Intermediate Data is used only when the Enable Deformation option is turned and only to determine how much to deform the geometry from one timestep to next. To get the geometry deformation throughout the simulation use the Archard Wear property.

    Unfortunately we no longer support the EDEM-Abaqus coupling. You can export particle, geometry and contact forces and positions and import to Abaqus manually, or look at using the Analyst > Export > Hypermesh data export.

    We have examples with EDEM-SimSolid here:


    and EDEM Hypermesh here:


    Or consider the 2-way EDEM-OptiStruct coupling:

    EDEM-OptiStruct YouTube

