Execute Python 'pandas module not found' when installed

LeonieJ Altair Community Member

I'm trying to use the Execute Python operator in RapidMiner. I have installed Python, pip and pandas:

When I execute my rapidminer process I get the following error: 'Pandas module not found -- The pandas module for Python was not found. Please make sure that the pandas module for Python is installed in your execution environment.' However, pandas is installed. What can i try?

Currently, my script in execute python is no more than a piece of the dummy code just to check if i can get it to work.

def rm_main(data):
  # Print a greeting message (output can be found in the Log View)
  print('Hello, world!')
return data, data2 

I'm working on MacOS Sonoma 14.6.1 in Rapidminer AI Studio 2024.1.0.


  • RolandJones
    Altair Employee

    Hi @LeonieJ,

    I'd like to check if AI Studio can detect the Python installation. Could you go to Altair AI Studio > Preferences, and then on the menu you should see the "Python Scripting" option on the left hand side. Under the section "Default Python", change the package manager option to "specific python binaries" and add the path to your Python executable. After this, click Test, and you should see a list of the installed modules that AI Studio detects for that Python environment.

    This help page also documents some of the steps I describe:


    Let me know how this test goes, and then we can figure out what to try after.



  • LeonieJ
    LeonieJ Altair Community Member

    Hi Roland,

    I've come a bit futher. What I've found now is that the path to the python binary indeed was incorrect. The binary path is now correct, however, using test I get the following error message:

    I don't have a lot of technical knowledge so I don't know how to go about solving this.

  • RolandJones
    Altair Employee

    Hi @LeonieJ,

    Are you using the latest version of the Python Scripting extension? If so, could you also install the package pyarrow, using a version starting with 18. I think the command you'll need is:

    pip install pyarrow==18.1



  • LeonieJ
    LeonieJ Altair Community Member

    Hi Roland,

    I have installed pyarrow and updated the python extension. This is the current state:

    I'm looking into the part about the PATH environment variable, but am not sure yet how to solve this.

  • RolandJones
    Altair Employee

    Hi @LeonieJ,

    I'm also noticing in your first set of screenshots, it detected Python 3.13.1 whereas now it is detecting Python 3.9.6. I would add the folder your Python.exe for Python 3.13.1 is located to the search path as well, using the preferences page you are on at the moment.

