How do I successfully import the load combinations from a CSV file?

Msantana New Altair Community Member

Based on different trials, the load combination import process doesn't work correctly.

I saw your tutorial on YouTube ( In this video I could see how the import process works well but the video doesn't show the outcome like CASES and LOAD FACTORS information.

I need help to understanding how to successfully carry out the process of importing load combinations.

Below you will find an example of one on my trials. In this case, only the first column is correctly imported even though I provided the information of the remaining four columns in the CVS file.


  • Tayen_Aguilar_57
    Altair Employee
    edited January 17

    Hello Mariana, thank you for your message and your contribution.

    We noticed two things we wanted to share to resolve this issue.

    First, it seems that there was an issue with the Python Script, which we have attached a new version of to this message. 

    Please unzip the attached file, and place the '' file into C:\Users\Public\Documents\S-FRAME Software\S-FOUNDATION 2025\Wizards\Wizards

    You can overwrite the original.

    We also noticed that the load-combs file you shared with us didn't appear to be formatted correctly, as it didn't contain zeros between the commas.


    User file:

    We could import without issue when we resolved these differences and used the new Python script wizard.


    We are always happy to help,

    Best regards,

    Tayen Aguilar

    Altair Support