Tcl command to obtain elements that are connected via any CONTACT or TIE group to a componenet

david_ur_1 Altair Community Member

I would like to Isolate a component from an FEA model. To do so, I want to determine:

  1. All attached elements to a specific component (can be done via TCL)
  2. All elements that are connected via physical connectors (like CONTACT or TIE)

The elements in (2) will be used to define the location of boundary conditions in the reduced model.

Is it possible to get a thorough list of elements that are connected physically to my component and where they are connected to said component?

Thank you!


  • Hello @david_ur_1 ,

    From version 2024.1, you can include Tie Contacts when you use Find Attached in the UI:

    This also reflects in the command.tcl file, and you will get a different code for the function argument in *findmark if you decide to include tie contact:

    without tie contact:

    *findmark components 1 8705 1 components 0 2 0

    with tie contact:

    *findmark components 1 8709 1 components 0 2 0

    Hope that helps,


  • david_ur_1
    david_ur_1 Altair Community Member
    edited December 2024

    Hello Michael, thank you for your reply.

    I am currently working with a previous version of Hypermesh. However, I started writing a tcl code using "hm_getcrossreferencedentitiesmark" which lays out any sets or element referenced to specific element(s). This has allowed me to get groups that are not covered by hm_appendmark elems 1 "advanced" "by attached".

    I noticed that "CWELD" are not covered by the "by attached" attribute, will discovery of elements connected via CWELDs be introduced in the 2024.1 functionality you presented?

    Thank you!

  • Michael Herve_21439
    Michael Herve_21439
    Altair Employee

    Hello @david_ur_1 ,

    thanks for your feedback.

    CWELD are elements, so using *appendmark with "by attached" should be enough for such cases. *findmark will work too for sure

    As you are authoring for a previous version of HyperMesh (I hope it is not a too old version of it ;) ), I would recommend that you insert as a comment the findmark command I shared earlier, so that you can easily upgrade your script when you move to a more recent version.

    Best Regards, and happy new year!
