Half Power Bandwidth Damping Calculator


Joint effort between Rafael Sánchez Garciarivas (Altair Engineering) and Shashikant Sharma (Hutchinson Antivibration Systems).

This OML function can be used in Compose to calculate the half-power bandwidth damping of the peaks of the Frequency Response Function (FRF) of a system, i.e., it measures how far apart the frequencies where a resonant mode reaches half power (1/sqrt(2)) are.


  • mag => FRF magnitude [vector]
  • f => FRF frequency [vector]
  • For peak detection algorithm:
    • mph => Minimum peak height [scalar]
    • mpd => Minimum peak distance [scalar]
    • mpw => Minimum peak width [scalar]


f = 0:pi/100:10*pi;

mag = sin(f);

[pks fpks Zeta] =halfPowerBandwidthDampingCalc(mag, f, eps, 1, 1)

Sample results (not from example):

pks = [Matrix] 1 x 3

0.00173 0.00086 0.00197

fPks = [Matrix] 1 x 3

4070 9400 10660

Zeta = [Matrix] 1 x 3

0.00737 0.00691 0.00704


Having any recent version of Altair Compose (2023 or older).

Usage/Installation Instructions:

Open the .oml file in Compose and execute script. Edit below function definition to analyze your own FRF signal.



Release Version:
