Altair Student License did not download

John_Beutel1 New Altair Community Member

I recently went to use Thea Render, which I've had for a couple years working with Rhino 3D. I found out my license is gone and it says my only student email had no account. I continued by creating a new account with this email. I was able to work through the steps and redownload Thea Render, however, the file which I must open to get my licensing key (almutil_gui.exe) did not download within the folder I chose for Thea to go to. I also searched my file manager for the file and it seems to have not downloaded at all. I would appreciate any help as I really enjoyed using Thea for school renderings but my license seems to have disappeared


  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee


    Did you try the Thea Student Edition Activation Steps -

    • Open the Thea License Setup window
    • Switch to the “Educational” tab
    • Paste the license key
    • Click on “Activate”