Strip Dipole Patch Antenna

Hello, I want to create a Strip Dipole antenna over a grounded dielectric plane but i cant figure out which port to use. I believe it should be the Edge port but it doesnt seem to work as i get the error: ERROR 2331: Two triangular surface patches overlap.
Hi @Alexandra26,
1- You have to Union your geometry elements to guarantee current continuity on your surfaces (selecte all geometries in the model and Apply Union)
2- You can use an Edge port between the split patch faces you have created, but note that the edge port cannot be placed on the boundary of a finite dielectric substrate when using the method of
moments (MoM). So you have to either elevate the edge slightly or remove a cuboidal section below it.Here is a modified model for your reference :
You can also check the list of examples related to Microstrip patch antenna modeling: