Meshed Fillet Area with tcl/tk

Thirukumaran Altair Community Member


I have an objective to retrieve the fillet area from the meshed component in Hypermesh. There is no cad surfaces to get any kind of reference. So, from only the meshed surface, Is it possible to retrieve/capture the fillet area with the finite elements from a component with the help of TCL and Hm commands in Hypermesh? If yes, Kindly provide any relevant approaches to achieve this objective. PFA image for reference.

Thanks in advance,


Best Answer

  • Michael Herve_21439
    Michael Herve_21439
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hello again,

    there is nothing we can do on pure orphan mesh. Having the original CAD, or converting orphan mesh to FE Geom is required.

    BTW, conversion to FE Geom and detection of Features can be scripted, you will find the corresponding apis in command.tcl file.

    That said, the elements in your screenshot above look like a beading rather than a fillet, so I am not sure you will be able to detect them.

    Please note we have some ongoing projects fr such detection, but there are long term improvements and they will also require FE Geom.

    Best Regards,



  • Hello @Thirukumaran ,
    in the latest versions (I'd say 2023 or upper) and assuming it is a 2D mesh, you may convert your orphan mesh to FE Geom from Topology ribbon → Fe Geom

    Then, you can use Topology → Features to detect some features such as holes or fillets

    Does that help?

    Best Regards,


  • Thirukumaran
    Thirukumaran Altair Community Member

    Hello Michael,

    Yes, it does help as always. But I want to know if it is possible to retrieve the fillet region from orphan mesh only without any influence of cad/surfaces. Is it something that we can achieve with the feature angle functions with tcl in hm? Is it possible to filter the meshed elements with consecutive series of commands which can filter the fillet area alone with a variation in the feature angle? Thanks again for your time.

    Best Regards,


  • Michael Herve_21439
    Michael Herve_21439
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hello again,

    there is nothing we can do on pure orphan mesh. Having the original CAD, or converting orphan mesh to FE Geom is required.

    BTW, conversion to FE Geom and detection of Features can be scripted, you will find the corresponding apis in command.tcl file.

    That said, the elements in your screenshot above look like a beading rather than a fillet, so I am not sure you will be able to detect them.

    Please note we have some ongoing projects fr such detection, but there are long term improvements and they will also require FE Geom.

    Best Regards,
