How the overlap amount data in the contact model is calculated

shiw Altair Community Member


What do tangential and normal overlap mean in the contact model?

What contact algorithm is the amount of overlap of polyhedral particles in EDEM calculated?



Best Answer

  • Stephen Cole
    Stephen Cole
    Altair Employee
    edited November 25 Answer ✓


    Edit - if you add the 'EDEM' tag to your post it will be easier for the EDEM team to find and answer your questions on the community.

    You can see the definitions of Normal and Tangential overlap in the help:

    This is focussed around spheres but polyhedral fundamentally is similar. The polyhedral models calcualte a contact normal and give a penetration depth between the two overlapping elemetns. Tangential overlap is the cumulative 'sliding' overlap in the tangential direction until slippage occurs.

    There is also a bit more of an overview on the methods used here:


  • Stephen Cole
    Stephen Cole
    Altair Employee
    edited November 25 Answer ✓


    Edit - if you add the 'EDEM' tag to your post it will be easier for the EDEM team to find and answer your questions on the community.

    You can see the definitions of Normal and Tangential overlap in the help:

    This is focussed around spheres but polyhedral fundamentally is similar. The polyhedral models calcualte a contact normal and give a penetration depth between the two overlapping elemetns. Tangential overlap is the cumulative 'sliding' overlap in the tangential direction until slippage occurs.

    There is also a bit more of an overview on the methods used here: