Behavior of the Ploss node of MOSFET (Eon) device class

Vintersorg Altair Community Member
edited November 14 in Community Q&A

The behavior of Ploss node of MOSFET (Eon) device described in the help text states:

  1. "The voltage at the Ploss node represents the device case temperature Tc in °C".
  2. "The total loss, in watts, is represented in the form of current flowing out of Ploss node".

The power loss out of Ploss node takes a long time to converge.

In my simulation environment using MOSFET (Eon) device, we can see from the waveforms (from Ploss Flag) that the average power losses reach the steady state regime within a few milliseconds timeframe, but the loss value out of Ploss node takes more than 10s of simulation timeframe. I'm wondering…Is there a way to speed up this power loss calculation out of Ploss node?

For instance, would it be possible to use the instantaneous values from Ploss Flag waveforms (Pcond_Q, Psw_Q, Pcond_D, Psw_D) inside my simulation schematic? If so, I could use a low-pass filter and have the average loss values much faster.


