How to bundle .rmhdf5table sample data with extension in AIStudio?

ptrm Altair Community Member

Hi everyone,

I need to bundle sample data from my extension resources to a sample repository in AI Studio. I've followed this documentation:, although it mentions .ioo resources while I'm trying to bundle .rmhdf5table files.

Upon testing in AI Studio my repository does include both folders (data and processes) from my extension resources, but the data folder remains empty. The processes do appear and can be opened.

When manually copying a .rmhdf5table file into the repository, I receive an error "This repository does not support binary files. Please select a non-legacy repository." The repository does not have the (Legacy) indicator next to it, though. When creating a new repository and changing my code to load my resources into that one, the same thing happens.

File structure:
|-- com.rapidminer.resources
|-- samples
|-- MyExtensionSamples
|-- data
|-- Some Data.rmhdf5table
|-- . . .
|-- processes
|-- Some Process.rmp
|-- Other Process.rmp
|-- . . .

Extension code:
Repository samplesRepository = new ResourceRepository("MyExtensionSamples", "samples/MyExtensionSamples", false, false);

How should I proceed to correctly load .rmhdf5table data into AI Studio?

Thanks in advance.



  • ptrm
    ptrm Altair Community Member

    How should I proceed to correctly load .rmhdf5table data into AI Studio through Java extension?