Inappropriate and missing values

Amudhan New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Attribute-1 has fem, female want to replace it as Female
Attribute-2 has zero or negative or null want to replace it with mean
Attribute-3 is category want to replace with mode
Attribute-4 with mode

Can it be done using one operator?


  • RolandJones
    Altair Employee
    Hi @Amudhan,

    To replace specific values in Attribute 1, I would look to use the Map operator. The remaining operations are hard to perform in a single operator. We can replace missing values with mean (numerical columns) and mode (categorical columns) using Replace Missing values with the setting "average", but the additional Attribute-2 logic will require first the calculation of the mean, and then replacing all zero or negative values with the mean. I would look to use Generate Attributes here.

    For Attributes-3 and 4, if you want the columns to just be constant columns, then you will first need to calculate the modes before setting those columns to be this value.

    Hope this helps,

