Clarification needed with date_get function.

nn_here New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi,Iam trying to extract year,month and day from my date column which looks like Jul 1,2018 12:00:00 AM IST and omit time. So i tried with generate operator  by incorporating date_get function in it as ,date_get(Date, DATE_UNIT_MONTH, 'yyyy/MM/dd') and some more ways. but all in vein.  Can you please help me in solving this issue.
Thanks and regards,

Best Answer


  • Caperez
    Caperez Altair Community Member
    Hi @nn_here,
    in this case you can use Date to numerical operator to extract parts of your data.


  • nn_here
    nn_here New Altair Community Member
    Thankyou for the help provided.When i used this operator it's not giving me the result in required field  Jul 1,2018  i would like it to split like july (col1),day(col2)2018(col3) as i need to group by on basis of 3 in different cases.i read about date_get(Date, DATE_UNIT_MONTH, 'yyyy/MM/dd')  that would satisfy my requirements.But the format is not matching.Can you please help me in this case..
    Thanks and regards,
  • Caperez
    Caperez Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓
    Hi @nn_here
    please find attached a simple solution for this case.
  • nn_here
    nn_here New Altair Community Member
    Hi, Kindly note  ,this is the expression i have added in generate attribute operator to segregate month from values in date column.
    date_get(Date, DATE_UNIT_MONTH, "yyyy-MM-dd")
    But unable to get correct format after even after multiple attempts.
    Kindly help me in getting the correct one.
    Thanks and regards.
  • nn_here
    nn_here New Altair Community Member
    Hi Cesar,
    Thankyou so much for taking out time and sharing the process !.It really helped...
    Motivates me to work on more rapidminer  operators .Thankyou. :) 
    Thanks and regards,
  • Caperez
    Caperez Altair Community Member
    You welcome, 
    We are here to share and help each other. Enjoy AI Studio (Rapidminer)


  • nn_here
    nn_here New Altair Community Member
    Kindly help me in clarifying one doubt regarding missing values in 2 columns.2 columns having more than 2 lakh rows, have more than 1 lakh rows as missing values.Can you please let me know how should be deal with it.To remove the column as such or use replace missing value operator in rapid miner by replacing with sd or avg values..
    Also,as part of preprocessing i have used the following operators in rapidminer,
     Replace Missing Values -> Remove Correlated Attributes -> Normalize -> Remove Useless Attributes .Is there any more operators i need to verify before getting to actual data processing.
    Thanks and regards,