Reshaping Data from Wide to Long Format in RapidMiner

Hello RapidMiner Community,
I am currently working on a project where I need to compare fossil fuel subsidies and environmental taxes by country over time. I have two panel data tables: both has data on 124 countries (cross section). One table contains total fossil fuel subsidies, with data collected from 1995-2021. The other contains envrionmental total taxes with data and projections from 2015-2030.
I have successfully joined these tables on the ‘Country’ column. However, the data is in wide format, which is challenging for me to analyze. How do I reshape the data from Wide to Long Format in RapidMiner?
I now have separate columns for Indicator (type of subsidies in one column and types of taxes in another column), and each year (with values for subsidies in a given year in one column and values for the taxes in that same year in anothercolumn). I would like to reshape the data so that my attributes are country, year, subsidies and environmental taxes.
Thanks in advance!
Warm regards,
Hi Thato,
This sounds like potentially using Pivot or Aggregate would be most effective here. There's a short video here:
Please let me know how you get on.