Is there a TCL/TK script available to export components as separate files ?
you could build a script to do this, by performing the operations manually once, and then looking at the command.tcl files into your working directory and adding a few layers of TCL scripting on top of it.
What format are you intending to export? Is it mesh? or geometry?
0 -
Try something like this
#select and store the component id list for ALL
*createmark comps 1 "all"
set comps_list [hm_getmark comps 1]
*clearmark comps 1
#retrieve comps names for the list
set compname_list [hm_getvalue comps user_ids=$comps_list dataname=name]
#define output direcory >> needs to exist
set output_dir {c:/temp}
#retrieves the template export file from the installation
set currenttemplate [hm_info templatefilename]
#loop over all components
foreach compo $comps_list compnamo $compname_list {
#isolate each component
*createmark components 2 $compo
*createstringarray 2 "elements_on" "geometry_on"
*isolateonlyentitybymark 2 1 2
#export .fem file to the output dir, using the compnamo as base name
*feoutputmergeincludefiles 0
*setsubmodeltype "HM_INCLUDEFILES"
*setentitytypesupportedbyenggid 1 0
*feoutputwithdata "$currenttemplate" [file join $output_dir "${compnamo}.fem"] 0 0 0 1 7
}0 -
Hi Adriano
Thank you so much for your Reply. Actually, i am Exporting in nastran/Aabqus Template. based on your initial reply i tried manually using command.cmf and creating a generic one.
Let me go through your logic, thanks a gain
*feoutput("C:/Program Files/Altair/2021.1/hwdesktop/templates/feoutput/nastran/general","E:\Split_files\Assembly_01.dat",1,0,0)
///--------Export Systems-------//
*feoutput("C:/Program Files/Altair/2021.1/hwdesktop/templates/feoutput/nastran/general","E:\Split_files\co-ordinate.dat",1,0,0)
///--------Export lOADS-------//
*feoutput("C:/Program Files/Altair/2021.1/hwdesktop/templates/feoutput/nastran/general","E:\Split_files\External-loads.dat",1,0,0)