EDEM/Motionsolve Coupling - Failed to export geometries to EDEM

Gaetan Pans_21058
Gaetan Pans_21058 New Altair Community Member
edited June 2024 in Community Q&A


I want to couple motion solve with EDEM to test how my robot moves in sandy terrain. I have followed the tutorials of creating my EDEM simulation (which works on its own) and motionsolve (also works on its own). From there I have followed the following steps:

1. Run EDEM Simulation

2. Save simulation deck from analyst from timestep 0

3. Open simulation deck and start coupling server

4. Go to motionsolve -> assembly -> EDEM

5. Select graphics (in my case my wheels/pedallers, see attached photo)

6. Transfer and Create System 

From there, I get the following errors

"14:59:23" "ERROR" "MotionView" "No valid EDEM installation found. [General]" 
"14:59:32" "INFO" "MotionView" "  2. Verify that no older EDEM paths have been left in the PATH directory. [General]" 
"14:59:32" "INFO" "MotionView" "  3. If (1) + (2) fail, add EDEM path at the highest possible position in the PATH [General]" 
"14:59:32" "ERROR" "MotionView" "Failed to export geometries to EDEM [General]" 
"14:59:23" "INFO" "MotionView" "Please make sure sure EDEM is installed in the current HW installation directory [General]" 
"14:59:32" "ERROR" "MotionView" "Import of EDEM module failed, cannot locate 'EDEMCouplingClient4.dll' or the EDEM version is not compatible with the HW version [General]" 
"14:59:32" "INFO" "MotionView" "To resolve the missing EDEM module problem, please: [General]" 
"14:59:32" "INFO" "MotionView" "  1. Make sure EDEM/hwsolvers are installed in the current HW installation directory [General]" 

I then uninstalled my 2022.3 EDEM and reinstalled 2023 EDEM to match my Hyperworks version 2023. So my current program folder structure is as follows:

C:\Program Files\Altair\2023\EDEM\bin

C:\Program Files\Altair\2023\hwsolvers\motionsolve\bin

I have added the following lines to the top of my path in environment variables and restarted my machine:

C:\Program Files\Altair\2023\hwsolvers\motionsolve\bin

C:\Program Files\Altair\2023\hwsolvers\motionsolve\lib

However still the same error.

Any advice would be much appreciated

Kind regards,




  • Praful
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2024

    Hello Gaetan -A few questions/comments to understand your setup

    1. Have you installed HyperWorks and EDEM under the same install ? Could you please show how your install folder looks like. (e.g. C:/Program Files/Altair/2023). you should see hwdesktop and EDEM folder underneath there in case you install both of these together.
    2. you mention, you followed the tutorial. were you successful in running through the tutorial ?
    3. If these are installed separately, you need to put the path of EDEM/bin and EDEM/lib in the path. not of motionsolve.



  • Gaetan Pans_21775
    Gaetan Pans_21775 Altair Community Member
    edited June 2024

    Hello Gaetan -A few questions/comments to understand your setup

    1. Have you installed HyperWorks and EDEM under the same install ? Could you please show how your install folder looks like. (e.g. C:/Program Files/Altair/2023). you should see hwdesktop and EDEM folder underneath there in case you install both of these together.
    2. you mention, you followed the tutorial. were you successful in running through the tutorial ?
    3. If these are installed separately, you need to put the path of EDEM/bin and EDEM/lib in the path. not of motionsolve.



    Hi Praful,

    I got it fixed but uninstalling everything and reinstalling it using the hyperworks package installer. Turns out I was missing Altair desktop.
