How to convert polynomial data into numerical

New Altair Community Member
Hi all,
I try to read a csv file which has a Polynomial data type for the currency amount.
Is there any operator, which convert the polynomial data type to real or numerical? For example: The polynomial value "$12,052.00" to numeric value "12,052.00". So that I can do some calculation. I tried the operator "Nomial to Numerical", but it does not do the job what I want.
I try to read a csv file which has a Polynomial data type for the currency amount.
Is there any operator, which convert the polynomial data type to real or numerical? For example: The polynomial value "$12,052.00" to numeric value "12,052.00". So that I can do some calculation. I tried the operator "Nomial to Numerical", but it does not do the job what I want.
Perhaps share your .rpm and data files?0
Hi @MonaLee, I would suggest you try using 'Parse Numbers' for your task. It may struggle if currency symbols are present in the cell as well, it may cause some challenges, in which case I would suggest you trim those prior to parsing the numerical values. Hope this helps!0
"Parse Numbers" does indeed not like currency symbols. If you encounter numbers encoded with other symbols, you can try to remove all "non-digit" characters before using "Parse Numbers". In this example, I'm using "Replace" to match everything "not 0-9 or ." and remove it from the value. Afterwards, Parse Numbers works fine.
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<parameter key="include_special_attributes" value="false"/>
<parameter key="replace_what" value="[^0-9.]"/>
<parameter key="replace_by" value=""/>
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