Why can't I see my Confidence Percentages on my Mac?
New Altair Community Member
I've been trying to do Discriminant Analysis to see the confidence percentages on a project I'm working on. The process runs smoothly, however, the results don't have confidence percentages like how I see it in the Data Mining for the masses textbook (if anyone is familiar with it). Please let me know if anyone else has this issue and knows how to fix it. Thank you!
I've been trying to do Discriminant Analysis to see the confidence percentages on a project I'm working on. The process runs smoothly, however, the results don't have confidence percentages like how I see it in the Data Mining for the masses textbook (if anyone is familiar with it). Please let me know if anyone else has this issue and knows how to fix it. Thank you!
I think LDA is the only algorithm not providing confidences.BR,Martin0