How can I Create a Patch Manually for Separate Volumes? Ref: NVH-1000 tutorial

John Anderson
John Anderson Altair Community Member
edited December 2020 in Community Q&A

The NVH-1000 tutorial, step 9, asks me to create a patch manually for separate volumes but gives no instructions on how to do this. I've tried a few things without success. Could someone walk me through this? For Altair: I think this tutorial needs updating.


  • Xiaolei
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2020

    Hi John,

    One way to create a patch manually is using whatever panels to create some elements, such as Hole/Gap Fill, F6(2D-edit element), or 2D-ruled. It doesn't matter if the element size is big, or the element quality is bad, because patching the holes is the purpose.

    It's a method we used often to patch panels, then we can get a better cavity volume.



  • Xiaolei
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2020

    Please also make sure, in step 9, when you use Mesh > Hole/Gap Fill. You should access Mesh from drop down menu, not the Mesh button inside of AcousticCavity session.


    The drop down menu of Mesh > Hole/Gap Fill is a separate panel, so in NVH-1000, we didn't elaborate in detail. If you search key words: Fill Holes, Gaps, Patches you can find the corresponding help document.
