Saving Plot in my repository with Python

Gregkiela New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
I'm trying to do this:

Unfortunately, I don't know how because I can't see the contents, it's just a picture in the documentation.
In my case, I receive data in the operator "Execute Python". After, I make a plot with Matplotlib in the script that I want to store in my repository.

Hope this is clear.
If anyone could help me that would be great.



  • Caperez
    Caperez Altair Community Member
    Hi @Gregkiela,

    1- First to all, if you search the Execute Python operator and select it you can see the jump to tutorial link. Click it and scroll down until find the "Creating a plot using Python in you repository" example. Click on it and now you can explore the example process. 
    2- In order to see the script editor, be sure to click on Show advanced parameters option.
    3- Clicking on Edit text Icon you can edit the python code. 

    By default, this example se use depreciated package
    if you have problems runing the example, try using the pandas_datareader package.
