antonio_98 New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
hi everyone, i need your help in order to solve a project work.
i need to pick only some values of my input, so i need some attribute and functions that will consider only data from monday to friday and from 9a.m. to 6p.m. 
how can i do?


  • Caperez
    Caperez Altair Community Member
    edited October 2021
    Hi @antonio_98,

    It will be nice to have an example of your dataset, when you have any question, in order to see the data structure. I suppose that you have a date_time attribute like this 'Jun 13, 2021, 9:05:17' 
    If you have an attribute with the day of week and other with hour you just need to use the Filter Examples operator and create a filters for the intervals that you need.
    If you have just an attribute with date_time data, a possible solution is to create other attributes with information about hour and day of week.
    To create an attribute with the Hour you can use the the Date to Numercial operator.
    in order to extract the day of week you need to select day as a time unit  and week into relative to field.

    When you have the necesary atrributes you can use the filter examples operator and reduce your dataset to your interest information. 


  • antonio_98
    antonio_98 New Altair Community Member
    thank you so much!

    i started with this Excel dataset and i imported it on RapidMiner.

    the question is: how to transform these data for example (date) 20130331 into 31/march/2013 and (time) 1931 should be transformed into 7.31 p.m.

    later on i have to consider only values that are referred from monday to Friday and from 9a.m. to 6p.m

  • Caperez
    Caperez Altair Community Member
    edited October 2021
    Hi @antonio_98,

    In this case you can work with the Nominal to Date operator. Be sure that you import or transform your data attribute as polynominal.
    To  transform the date attribute in your desired format use this date format  yyyyMMdd



  • antonio_98
    antonio_98 New Altair Community Member
    thank you for your answer, but it seems not to work properly. can i ask you to explain step by step how can i do it?

  • Caperez
    Caperez Altair Community Member
    Hi @antonio_98

    please find attached a example process.

