Hi everybody. How can I use stopword with 2 words per line in stopword dictionary filter

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Hi everybody. How can I use stopword with 2 words per line in stopword dictionary filter
Best Answer
Not very straightforward to do, but here's an option :
You could try a plain find and replace logic where your stopword list acts as a dictionary. You would have to convert your text field (doc) to data to do so, but you can revert back to doc afterwards so it's not that much of a burden.
Keep in mind however that the find and replace is sensitive to order, so if you have this now :biếtbiết baobiết bao nhiêu
you will have to order it asbiết bao nhiêu
biết bao
To catch them all as otherwise all biết will be replaced and you keep stuck with bao and bao nhiêu and there will be no match.2
Not very straightforward to do, but here's an option :
You could try a plain find and replace logic where your stopword list acts as a dictionary. You would have to convert your text field (doc) to data to do so, but you can revert back to doc afterwards so it's not that much of a burden.
Keep in mind however that the find and replace is sensitive to order, so if you have this now :biếtbiết baobiết bao nhiêu
you will have to order it asbiết bao nhiêu
biết bao
To catch them all as otherwise all biết will be replaced and you keep stuck with bao and bao nhiêu and there will be no match.2